Monday, November 1, 2010

Meester Swartz

I was recently contacted by my alma mater, The University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management to be featured in an article. The requested picture, so I decided I would share them with you as well. They are below:

This is my classroom (trailer). Yes, those are folding tables, but they are working alright. Once I finished decorating it, it really isn't that bad. Also, the air conditioning breaks at my school quite frequently so it is nice to have control over my own a/c unit.

Teaching math...

More teaching math... I think the students were participating a little more this day because the camera was in the classroom. :)

Working with one of my small groups during "station time."

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool to see your classroom, Joe! Hope you're doing well :) - Kristen
