Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back in Houston

After driving for about 19 hours, I finally arrived back in Houston on Saturday, August 7th.

I left for Minnesota the last day of summer school and have spend the last month spending time with friends and family back there. It was very relaxing and refreshing to be back home. I think being away for awhile helped me to appreciate how lucky I am to have such a great family. We are by no means the "perfect" family, but I really appreciate all they do for me and the support they have given me throughout all of my life. It was great to spend time with them again.

Since arrive back in Houston on Saturday I have been busy preparing for another school year. I had trainings or "teachers' workshops" starting on Monday morning at 8:00am. Students will not be in the classroom until August 23rd, but there is a lot to do to get ready before they get there.

I am excited about the possibilities of being in the same classroom, teaching the same subjects, for the entire school year this year (last year I was switched from PK-5 science lab to 5th grade math and science about 5 weeks into the school year). I have experience teaching 5th grade math and science and feel that I will be a much better teacher this year because of it. I have already completed a lot of planning for this school year and really think my students will benefit because of it.

I have brought all of my school supplies back to school. They were all being stored at my apartment due to safety concerns. Other teachers at the school told me, "if you plan on seeing any of your stuff again, you shouldn't leave it at the school over the summer." After some of the instances from last school year with robberies, I decided to take their advice. I am planning on finishing the bulletin boards and other "decorating" on Monday so my room will be ready for the school year. *I will try post some pictures or a video so you can see :)

I was at trainings all this week. I had a two-day math training on Tuesday and Wednesday that was off-campus, but other than that I was mostly just sitting through curriculum review, school policy meetings, and other "enlightening" workshops that I do not get paid to be at. I don't "officially start" until next week so I don't know how working this week was required, but such is the life of a teacher I guess...

Below are some pictures from my crazy Friday night:
I spent several hours on Friday night watching stand-up comedy and cutting out various classroom items from sheets of laminating. As an elementary school teacher I have gotten pretty good at this, since I get so much practice, but I don't think it will ever be fun. I am sure I will have a couple more nights worth of cutting this school year... good times.
I am going to try to write AT LEAST weekly this school year so be prepared!
(I SHOULD have a little more free time now that I am a fully certified teacher and do not have to participate in the Alternative Certification Program (ACP) or take University of St. Thomas (UST) classes!) ---- I am very excited about this.

I hope everyone is doing well.
- Joe

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