Sunday, December 20, 2009

Home for Christmas!

I arrived in snowy Minneapolis yesterday morning. It is a pretty big change to leave a city that is sunny and 70 degrees and arrive in a city that is below 20 degrees with snow on the ground. Needless to say, my body is a little confused.

Even though I am adjusting to the cold, I am excited to be home and am grateful that I am able to spend the holidays with my family and friends.

As I open presents this year it will be hard to not think about my students, many of them who will be lucky if they get anything for Christmas... I hope everyone understands how lucky they are to have what they do. In fact, if you are able to read this on a computer, chances are you are part of the elite in this country. Most of my students come from families that are computer illiterate and do not have a computer or Internet access at home. The only opportunity they have to be on a computer is a rare opportunity at school. (which has become even more rare after my classroom laptops were stolen). I know Thanksgiving was last month, but... I am still very thankful for all I have.

I wish everyone the best this holiday season. Thank you for your love and support!

- Joe

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