Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day at Berry (no students)

So much for the short lived free time... I knew it wouldn't last.

After last weeks training sessions at various Houston Independent School District (HISD) locations, this week training shifts gears.

Today was my first official day at Berry Elementary. Although there will be no students in the classrooms until the 24th, I was still anxious and nervous as I drove to school.

My schedule isn't too bad. I left for school around 7:00 am after getting ready, packing a lunch, and gathering all the materials I felt I would need for the day. Traffic was manageable, it only took me five minutes longer to get to my school than Samantha (my GPS) told me it would (the six plus lanes of traffic both ways helps with the flow I guess). I got to school and was surprised by a free breakfast in the cafeteria and greeted by many smiling faces.

All of the people at my school seem great. There are three other Teach For America (TFA) member at my school, which is comforting. I am the only TFA science lab teacher, but I met my mentor today (who also teaches science lab) and after one day, think she will really help me become a better teacher. She is really nice and willing to help me out.

After a long morning in the cafeteria for more training, I was able to go and see my classroom. I will be teaching in a "temporary classroom" (which is a trailer outside the brick and mortar school). It isn't too bad, expect that I will be teaching my students while they sit in metal folding chairs at folding tables. Encase you are wondering, I don't think this will be ideal for my younger students, especially the kindergartners. I will make it work though, at least we have chairs and tables. We are still working on getting me a computer, overhead, projector... pretty much all other supplies, but I was told that the school might be able to find some of the things that are not their. I thought it was funny when I was told I was missing my Texas flag... I have a feeling that will be the first "new" item in my classroom. :) Anyway, I am excited to have my own classroom and ready to make it a great space for my students, no matter what shortcomings it may have.

On a different note, I saw some students registering for school today. I have a feeling they were pre kindergarten or kindergarten. They were so small! They were adorable. They each looked scared to death about what they were about to get into. Clinging to their parents as mom or dad signed them up for school. They aren't even really sure what they are getting into. I am a little nervous about my youngest students. They are so small, are they going to cry? I am not sure how I am going to deal with students who have trouble adjusting to the classroom... something to add to my list of things to work on.

When I think about it... I am a lot like the little children I saw today. I am sure I walked into the school with a nervous look on my face, scared that I no idea about what I am getting into...
But fortunately for me... I signed myself up.


  1. Joe-as a parent of early elementary kids, I can't get over the sense of awe my kids have for those special teachers (like you) they've connected with at school. Your sensitivity will help you deal with all those unknowns -- they're going to love you! :)

  2. Joe, what a great blog! I had to read through all of them. What a great exciting adventure and you will be WONDERFUL! Sleep was my number one priority after a long school day during my first year of teaching. I will keep reading your blog your enthusiasm for kids keeps me rejeuvinated for the upcoming school year!
